
Hi! I’m Xiaolong Wu, currently a second-year Ph.D. student at Shandong University, working with Prof. Lu Wang.

My research currently focuses on real-time rendering, and I am highly enthusiastic about technologies that improve rendering efficiency.


Stereo-consistent Screen Space Reflection

Stereo-consistent Screen Space Reflection

Xiaolong Wu, Yanning Xu, Lu Wang*
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2024), 2024.

Project Page Paper

Neural Super-Resolution for Real-time Rendering with Radiance Demodulation

Neural Super-Resolution for Real-time Rendering with Radiance Demodulation

Jia Li, Ziling Chen, Xiaolong Wu, Lu Wang*, Beibei Wang*, Lei Zhang
CVPR, 2024.

Project Page Paper
